Tonight was Class #5 of Basic Manners- Rocco did EXCELLENT! He has definetly come the furthest in class. The class is nice and small now, there are only three left out of twelve, so we got to try lots of exercise and get lots of individual attention.
We worked on sit, stay, come, heel, heel at a trot, down from heel, coming in/out of doorways and.....
It was an introduction to agility!!! Rocco was especially good at running through the fully extended tunnel, but he also weaved through some cones, jumped a hurdle, and went through the tire ring!
All was going so well....then just before class was over Rocco realized Grampy came to watch him at school then all he could do was the happy wiggle dance and try to get through the fence to visit Grampy :)
Rocco says thank you to Grampy for coming to watch!
Next week is the big graduation day! We are suppose to teach Rocco a trick for graduation- any suggestions??