Rocco and Dexter took a field trip to Boston to make a new friend, Balki, who is the mascot for his Mom and Dad's store "PAWSH BOUTIQUE" off of Newbury Street. It was a beautiful store and Balki and his Dad were very gracious hosts. Rocco and Dexter enjoyed some play time and cookies (and they enjoyed bringing home a new stuffed animal to play tug of war with). I hope they get some tshirts soon as I love their logo!

Rocco and Balki (laying the smackdown on a foo foo poodle)

Balki- official store mascot/host/greeter

Our Bostie booties and Balki in the background (hard to get pics they were all wiggling around)

BT huddle!

*My Fave* A Trio of Bostons- Balki (in front), Rocco, and Dexter

Just a cool, dome crate

Rocco sampling the goods

Balki and his Dad while Dex checks out his digs

Rocco trolling for goods

Balki at his window seat

How do you get the attention of three BTs? Did someone say "Cookies"?

Smiling Rocco with Balki in the background

One More Balki (Just because he was so cute)

Dexter and his Dad

Rocco and his Mom

Post-fun smiles

...and tuckered out...

Lobster tug-o-war