Rocco and Balki (laying the smackdown on a foo foo poodle)
Balki- official store mascot/host/greeter
Our Bostie booties and Balki in the background (hard to get pics they were all wiggling around)
BT huddle!
*My Fave* A Trio of Bostons- Balki (in front), Rocco, and Dexter
Just a cool, dome crate
Rocco sampling the goods
Balki and his Dad while Dex checks out his digs
Rocco trolling for goods
Balki at his window seat
How do you get the attention of three BTs? Did someone say "Cookies"?
Smiling Rocco with Balki in the background
One More Balki (Just because he was so cute)
Dexter and his Dad
Rocco and his Mom
Post-fun smiles
...and tuckered out...
Lobster tug-o-war
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