What's in the box Mom? Is it for me?!
OOOOhhhh I Love Planet Dog toys! Here's an eggplant...with a treat inside! (Thank you Pawsmopolitan for the birthday cookies!)
Rawhide donut from Uncle Bobby and Keri
How do you get the treat out? Come out of there treat?! You hear me!
With the Planet Dog eggplant, on Mom's blanket, with my comfy sweater from Lauren, Paul, Foxy and Frye.
MMMMMMMmmmmmm I LOOOOOVVEE this donut!
Wearing my rabbit as a boa.
Fun with bunny.
Loofa dog from Holly and Patrick.
Wow! Lots of Goodies! Lots of Love!
Thank you very much...
Uncle Bobby and Keri for the Fantastic, Giant Rawhide Donut!
Lauren, Paul, Foxy and Frye for the Warm and Toasty Sweater- very handsome!
Holly and Patrick for the Yummy Treats and Fun Loofa Dog!
Mom and Dad for the cake, Planet Dog Eggplant, Raincoat, Stuffed Sheep, and Stuffed Rabbit!
And Thank You Mom for Making My Snuggle Blanket!
~ Love Rocco
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